Monday, October 16, 2006

Julius and Ester coming to visit

My brother Julius and his wife Ester came to visit me here in the Bay Area. We had a great time eating out and enjoying San Francisco. We also went down along the coastal Highway Nr.1 to enjoy great views of Big Sur. Look at some pictures from the long weekend

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hackday and Beck?

This weekend was spectacular. Yahoo! hosted a public hackday, which means anyone from outside Yahoo can come to the campus and develop a piece of Software over 24 hours. The best results in each category (messenger, flickr, etc.) were awarded a price.
But the best thing is yet to come - Friday evening we had a live concert of BECK at the campus, besides good music the show they had was great. Furthermore there was free pizza and beer, that´s a nice way to start the weekend.